Address: 10810 Pear Tree Lane St. Louis (MO) Missouri United States 63074
- Pets including dogs and cats are accepted at the property. State guidelines for service animals apply, but service animals are free of charge at the property and are welcome in any area frequented by their owners.
- Rooms with pets will be charged a daily pet fee of USD 50 plus tax per night at the property. The property allows up to two pets per room, with a total combined weight of the pets not to exceed 80 pounds.
- Pets are not allowed in any of the public areas of the hotel: dining area, lobby, pool and spa, fitness center, meeting rooms, etc.
- Pets should be leashed or in a pet carrier when traveling to and from guest room (when possible, please use stairwells instead of elevators), and they should not be left alone at any time.
- Housekeeping services will not be provided if pets are left unattended in guest room, and guests will be responsible for any damages or noise complaints pets may cause.
- At check-in, guests traveling with pets will be asked to read and sign the "Pet Guidelines". Pet waste bags are provided to clean up after pets outside.
Breakfast is served from 06:00 AM to 09:00 AM on weekdays and 07:00 AM to 10:00 AM on weekends.
Guests must provide a valid credit card upon check-in to secure any damages incurred during the stay. Pre-preauthorization of USD 50 will be made upon check-in.
Pets are allowed for an additional charge of USD 50 plus tax per night.
The property does not accept checks.
The property does not offer Park and Fly.
All rooms are 100% smoke free. Smoking or vaping will result in a USD 250 cleaning fee.
【提醒您】 加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。