Address: Carrer Comercial 15 Barcelona Catalonia Spain 08003
(Carrer Comercial 15 Barcelona Cataluña España 08003)
City tax of EUR 2.25 plus VAT will be charged and collected at the property per person per night for guests who stay in Barcelona.
City tax of EUR 0.45 plus VAT will be charged and collected at the property per person per night for guests who stay in the rest of Catalonia.
Guests are required to provide an estimated check-in time to the property at least 3 day(s) prior to arrival.
Guests arriving after 9:00 PM will be subject to a surcharge of EUR 25 and arrivals after 12.00 AM will be subject to a surcharge of EUR 40 .
Housekeeping service is offered for guests who book for 7 consecutive nights.
Reception is open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Guests arriving outside these hours are requested to contact the property directly prior to arrival so alternative arrangements can be made.
The property's license number are HUTB-013582, HUTB-013584, HUTB-013580.
【提醒您】 加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。