Address: 3F H Daimyo, 2-1-13 Daimyo Fukuoka Japan 810-0041
(中央区大名2-1-13 H Daimyo (3階受付) 福岡 日本 810-0041)
Check-in is not possible after 8:00 PM.
Pets are strictly not allowed at the property.
Special request is subject availability. If you book "Double room" and select "Twin beds request", property will provide Double bed room base on booked room type.
Staying in a King Suite Room, Up to 8 guests can be accommodated for 2 guests. (Visit guests cannot stay overnight.)If more than 10 people are confirm to enter the room, it will be considered as event use and JPY 30,000 will be charged per hour.
This is a strictly non-smoking property.
This property is no smoking allowed. JPY 30,000 will be charged as a deodorizing cleaning fee when smoking is confirm.
City accommodation tax will be enforced from April 1, 2020 and will be collected upon check-in. The accommodation tax rate per person per night is as follows:
In Fukuoka City, tax of JPY 200 will be charged for room rates of JPY 19,999 and under per night, and tax of JPY 500 will be charged for room rates of JPY 20,000 and over per night.
In Fukuoka Prefecture excluding Fukuoka City, tax of JPY 200 will be charged for all room rates.
【提醒您】 加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房型的人數限制瞭解詳細規定。